I’ve found that I now schedule my stress.

I’ve had a handful of meetings, each with their own prep needs and weights. I have emails to respond to, feedback to give, research to do. This comes on top of the everyday work tasks and weights that come in service to my employer. I’ve found myself over these last few weeks pushing the stresses into containers. The weight of Tuesday’s meeting has to wait in line behind the prep and weight of Monday’s. Once Tuesday’s meeting is past the stress of Wednesday’s can start to mix with the prep for Thursday’s meeting. I’m already working to psych myself up to shelve the followup of Thursday’s meeting so Friday can be spent on wrapping up employer work followed by sermon prep and planning for next week.

I’m not sure this is quite what Jesus meant in Matthew 6:34, but queuing weights and stresses in an orderly line is so far proving superior to piling them all together.
